I have retired from teaching Driver Education 10/26/22. This page is just for your information to teach your learner how to drive.
You need to get your permit through DMV. If you are 15 1/2 to 18 you can take your permit test at; https://WWW.AZMVDNOW.GOV/ Permit-Test.. There are also pre-tests to study for the testing. Students under 18 need to be on their permit for 6 months to document 30 hours of day driving and 10 hours of night driving. Students over 18 still need to document the 30 hours of day and 10 hours of night driving. (Age does not have anything to do will the learned skill development.)
The more you practice the better the driver you will become. You are driving a car that can kill or hurt you or other people, if you do the wrong thing while driving. Learning to drive is like learning to swim. If you just jump into the water without knowledge or skill you drown. If you enter a car to drive without training, you can crash or kill yourself or others. The more training and practice you get the more skillful you are as a driver.
According to ADOT any person who is on their permit can take TRAFFIC SURVIVAL SCHOOL classroom program. This is a driver improvement course and if you take this class, you will not have to do as many hours of in car practice, before taking your Road Test. Glenda Webb the past Driving Instructor teaches this class. Please go to the Traffic Survival School page for information.
Learning to drive is not an instant process, it takes repetition to develop the skills to be a safe driver. Safety is a big part of driving. Learning who will cause you problems and who will not, is part of the teaching process.
It takes 5 years of practice to become equal to the average driver on the road. So, the more practice you do the safer you will become.