Please Mail both Page To: Atlantic Driving School,2231 Kuntz Ct.Mohave Valley, AZ 86440
928-715-3553 or text 928-727-2377 or e-mail
You can also call in this information to register only for Traffic Survival School.
I am not scheduling any behind the wheel training as of 10/26/22.
Certified Trainer: Glenda Webb
Class Date:_______________________
First & Last Name________________________________________________________________
City & State, zip________________________________________________________________________
Phone number:_____________________________________________________________________
Cell phone number:_____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth_________________________________________________________________________
e-mail address______________________________________________________________________
Credit Card #__________________________________________________________________________
Exp date__________________________________________________________________________
Last 3 # on back of card_________________________________________________________________
How much do you want to charge?________________________________________________________
Payments include payment plans. Checks, Money Order, Master Card/Visa. You can make advance payments before the class, the class must be paid in full on the day of class. Gift Certificates are available.
Traffic Survival School should be paid in advance. There is a completion Certificate given to the student at the completion of class. DMV is notified within 6 hours of completion.
In no event shall Atlantic Driving School be liable for any consequences or incident damages due to the classroom . The total liability of Atlantic Driving School shall not exceed the total paid to Atlantic Driving School for services rendered.
I agree that the actual fees paid on my signed invoice reflect this limited liability and allocation of risk.
Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date____________________________